Islam’s flame will be fought with fire. All that remains in question is whether that fire is conventional or nuclear.It will be both and I cannot discount biological and chemical Islamic terrorism. Let us not forget what we have in the White House. The mullah obambi will go to Egypt and apologize some more, say how bad the USA has been, kneel, grovel and appease Islam. He is compounding all of Carter's gravest errors and the world has been paying the price ever since 1979. Mushrooms over Tehran anyone?Courtesy of the IAF, if we are very very fortunate.
You are quite right, but this whole torture debate doesn't serve the media's stated purpose to report "all the news it wants to print" and doesn't serve their agenda right now.
It sounds like everyone had a really good time, regardless of the technical difficulties. Hopefully, I’ll be able to go to a conference soon, but I was working this weekend. You’d think it being summer break I’d have time to do this kind of thing, but no. Maybe one day!
I scored 1 point for downloading music. I guess that makes me a 33 year old Baby Boomer. Many of the items on the list are just high tech ways to waste time.* * * * *Well, here’s an interesting way to look at things. How you choose to waste time is a good way to define which generation you fit into. I mean, everyone wastes time in some way, right?PS Communicating with parents as a time waster? Moms and dads around the world are cringing!Penelope
Why does Cheyech run races in Japan? Is it because the competition in Kenya is too tough and she keep losing. I want to come to Japan and win races. The competition here looks really weak and easy.
1:50 p.m. Neil Abercrombie, D. Gov of HI who promised to put this issue to rest, was UNABLE to find Obama's LFBC. Even though he has control of all the levels of state gubmit in the Aloha State. So, if you can see Obama's LFBC from your front porch, please call Gov Abercrombie. He's been in search of it for years. Patricia Weir
“The website remember me”That’s exactly the only problem i have withGoogle. My computer can manage my settingsand my preferences without any websiteto remember me.With mobile computers there’s no way forme to prevent anyone from tracking myactivities. That’s an unacceptableprice to pay just to get targeted adsshoved in my face.(Privacy buttons in browsers only protect atiny fraction of privacy)I want complete control over when and howand where my activities are private or public.
Congrats! So glad it's gone well for you! I completely wish my Mom was the one who could watch my daughter when I get back to work/school too. Such a bummer that that isn't my reality right now either. At least you have your sister though! That's awesome!
Yes, by all means necessary and quickly – remove his robe! We The People Pay him! I just did my taxes and this really puts a person on edge. Get this judge off the payroll…….. he does not deserve our hard earned cash. He is making a mockery of the judicial system and mockery of our hard earned dollars.
for other administrative functions. We’ve been through the exam questions and have tried to modify the questions to be more generic in nature and worked to get Mark’s book, Lean Hospitals, to be included on the recommended reading list that test questions are pulled from. It’s not a perfect program, but then again, that’s what continuous improvement is all about. Feedback like yours is very helpful to making the program more robust.
Hi Guys,I was wondering if you could help me please, I am new to Excel,I need to use (add) indirect function to the following formula:=IF(‘Time Sheet Entry’!A14=”",”",CONCATENATE(“|”,FIXED(‘Time Sheet Entry’!S14,2),”|”)) Can someone help me with this please?thanks
Has the basic pattern been altered, where gains are privately enjoyed, and losses spread among the public?These guys suck, and should be run out of town on a rail, or placed in wooden stockades until they agree they’re scumbags and will voluntarily vacate.
2016年9月24日 17:42
2016年9月24日 17:42
2016年9月24日 17:42
2016年9月24日 17:42
2016年9月24日 17:35
Hallelujah! I needed this-you're my savior.
2016年9月24日 15:44
Islam’s flame will be fought with fire. All that remains in question is whether that fire is conventional or nuclear.It will be both and I cannot discount biological and chemical Islamic terrorism. Let us not forget what we have in the White House. The mullah obambi will go to Egypt and apologize some more, say how bad the USA has been, kneel, grovel and appease Islam. He is compounding all of Carter's gravest errors and the world has been paying the price ever since 1979. Mushrooms over Tehran anyone?Courtesy of the IAF, if we are very very fortunate.
2016年9月24日 08:34
You are quite right, but this whole torture debate doesn't serve the media's stated purpose to report "all the news it wants to print" and doesn't serve their agenda right now.
2016年9月24日 07:15
It sounds like everyone had a really good time, regardless of the technical difficulties. Hopefully, I’ll be able to go to a conference soon, but I was working this weekend. You’d think it being summer break I’d have time to do this kind of thing, but no. Maybe one day!
2016年9月24日 06:33
I scored 1 point for downloading music. I guess that makes me a 33 year old Baby Boomer. Many of the items on the list are just high tech ways to waste time.* * * * *Well, here’s an interesting way to look at things. How you choose to waste time is a good way to define which generation you fit into. I mean, everyone wastes time in some way, right?PS Communicating with parents as a time waster? Moms and dads around the world are cringing!Penelope
2016年9月24日 05:30
Why does Cheyech run races in Japan? Is it because the competition in Kenya is too tough and she keep losing. I want to come to Japan and win races. The competition here looks really weak and easy.
2016年9月24日 02:05
1:50 p.m. Neil Abercrombie, D. Gov of HI who promised to put this issue to rest, was UNABLE to find Obama's LFBC. Even though he has control of all the levels of state gubmit in the Aloha State. So, if you can see Obama's LFBC from your front porch, please call Gov Abercrombie. He's been in search of it for years. Patricia Weir
2016年9月24日 01:33
“The website remember me”That’s exactly the only problem i have withGoogle. My computer can manage my settingsand my preferences without any websiteto remember me.With mobile computers there’s no way forme to prevent anyone from tracking myactivities. That’s an unacceptableprice to pay just to get targeted adsshoved in my face.(Privacy buttons in browsers only protect atiny fraction of privacy)I want complete control over when and howand where my activities are private or public.
2016年9月24日 00:37
Congrats! So glad it's gone well for you! I completely wish my Mom was the one who could watch my daughter when I get back to work/school too. Such a bummer that that isn't my reality right now either. At least you have your sister though! That's awesome!
2016年9月23日 22:57
I want to send you an award for most helpful internet writer.
2016年9月23日 21:50
Yes, by all means necessary and quickly – remove his robe! We The People Pay him! I just did my taxes and this really puts a person on edge. Get this judge off the payroll…….. he does not deserve our hard earned cash. He is making a mockery of the judicial system and mockery of our hard earned dollars.
2016年9月23日 20:18
27 agosto 2012¿Por qué es tan dificil encontrar un desarrollador con conocimientos de UX y diseño? Para mi es imprescindible saber diseñar una app en todos sus aspectos para tener éxito. Yo soy programador y estoy aprendiendo tanto diseño gráfico, como UX y incluso otras temas como marketing. La programación sola no sirve para nada.
2016年9月23日 19:18
Por aquilo que percebi (mas posso estar enganado) de conversas com amigos que vivem no Canadá, o sistema de saúde do Canadá é muito diferente do dos Estados Unidos. No Canadá, disseram-me, trata-se de um serviço público financiado pelo Estado federal e, julgo, também pelas provÃncias, a partir dos impostos dos cidadãos e das empresas. O sistema inclui também uma espécie de médicos de famÃlia.Mas, como disse, foi com a ideia que fiquei a partir de meras conversas.Carlos Cordeiro
2016年9月23日 19:18
for other administrative functions. We’ve been through the exam questions and have tried to modify the questions to be more generic in nature and worked to get Mark’s book, Lean Hospitals, to be included on the recommended reading list that test questions are pulled from. It’s not a perfect program, but then again, that’s what continuous improvement is all about. Feedback like yours is very helpful to making the program more robust.
2016年9月23日 18:12
Hi Guys,I was wondering if you could help me please, I am new to Excel,I need to use (add) indirect function to the following formula:=IF(‘Time Sheet Entry’!A14=”",”",CONCATENATE(“|”,FIXED(‘Time Sheet Entry’!S14,2),”|”)) Can someone help me with this please?thanks
2016年9月23日 18:07
Has the basic pattern been altered, where gains are privately enjoyed, and losses spread among the public?These guys suck, and should be run out of town on a rail, or placed in wooden stockades until they agree they’re scumbags and will voluntarily vacate.